HerStory Program

HerStory Program

In partnership with Global GLOW Girls are equip with the skills and resources they need to thrive. Girls are mentor to advocate for themselves, increasing their ability to effectively communicate and assert their own interests, desires, needs and rights. Increase in girls’ educational attainment and girls’ capacity to make informed choices about their physical, mental, social, and emotional health is what we care about. Healthy girls build healthy and stranger communities.

The lives of girls are empowered through storytelling, creative expression, transformational literacy, and mentorship. High-risk, high-potential girls ages 10 to 18 that are facing extreme challenges some of which are reading, writing, listening, and speaking are supported through this initiative. The program since 2015 has directly reached to over 4000 girls in the Northwest, Southwest and West regions of Cameroon with a great impact not only to the girls in the program, transforming their respective schools, households, and communities. We also celebrate different advocacy days like the International Day of the Girl Child (IDG), Black History Month, Story Summits, Community Building Activities, Menstrual Hygiene Day, the annual UN Commission on the Status of Women, World Read Aloud Day and LitCamps.

This event is celebrated worldwide every 11th October as stipulated by the United Nation. In this light therefore our club girls join the rest of the world to amplify the powerful voices of women and girls in their communities and around the world. It’s a day for them to:

·         Stand Up and join the global community to take action and speak out for the benefit of present generations and generations to come

·         Commemorate the women that inspire them

·         Share the challenges they face as girls and women and celebrate themselves as women and girls

·         And most importantly to work towards their expectations so as to be able to achieve them at the end.

World Read Aloud Day (WRAD) is celebrated every February by reading aloud and taking actions on behalf of the 750 million people worldwide who lack basic reading and writing skills. This day was set aside to strengthen kids and communities through the power of their own stories creating self-expression, understanding and confidence using literacy as a tool and pathway to self improvement

LitCamps are summer learning and fun filled activities that bring children together for three or more consecutive days to explore new things and places. The Camp has as objective to ensure and protect children against the loss experienced during summer while simultaneously building the child self- confidence, social skills, and the resilience they need to carry them through the coming year. Its activities make the campers to be optimistic believing that today efforts will produce good things in the future for themselves and for the world.

Story Summits are one day celebrations that bring together women and girls from a community to share stories of strength and build their community. It’s a day were older women share impactful fiction and real stories about themselves or others around them with focus on the challenges and strengths they went through. These stories later saver as a guide and reminder to the younger girls and enables them to better overcome such situations as the walk the path of life.

On such days, club girls volunteer their skills and time to render their services to a particular community or institution making it better through cleaning and educating the communities on the importance of hygiene and making health choices.

Menstrual Hygiene Day is one of those days that we take out time to demystify menstruation, break and limit the myth and cultures that exist around it and teach the girls how to take proper care of themselves especially during their periods. We also encourage them to understand that it is not a taboo or curse but rather something that they cannot change and so must accept it and be proud of it.