Our Story


Madam Gwendoline Manka (Parent)

Dear Project Coordinator of the Girl Boss Program, I am the mother of Akonta Success Abe. I write to show appreciation for what I saw during your Global GLOW Story Summit and Girl Boss graduation ceremony. I am speechless about the kind of virtues your program inculcates in the girl child. I don’t regret any one minute spent during that ceremony. I duff my hat to madam coordinator and all the mentors, that you should keep up the good work. 


Mrs Dorothy Njiekeh Chumbon (Parent)

It is a great pleasure to write this letter to the proprietor of the Girl Boss program. I am the legal guardian of both Grace Nahbila Tang and Yowo Britney, two of the girls who participated in the Girl Boss Program. I am so grateful for what you have done for my two girls. Their skills have greatly been upgraded. Grace used to be a very shy girl but thanks to the girl boss program, she is a more confident bold young lady. They both can start a business and make better decisions regarding their professional life. 


Samiratu Hamadu (GLOW Club Member to GLOW Club Mentor)

As I watched my mentors walk me through becoming a confident girl, building my skills and guiding me towards self-advocacy, I began realizing the positive changes in my academics, having better knowledge about my worth as a girl and developing the zeal to impact others too. Originating from a Muslim community where girls are sometimes deprived of education and sent for early marriage, I saw the need to become a mentor to these girls, to teach them about their rights, and strengths and also guide them towards a better future. It has been a challenging exercise due to some cultural beliefs but gradually, it is creating positive impacts on the girls and their community at large. 


Fonkam Melisa (Club member)

Being a GLOW Club member since 2017 has been a wonderful opportunity, exposing me to a wide range of lessons and impacting me positively. I have grown from a quiet girl full of fear to a very confident girl promoting girl’s rights and equal opportunities. Speaking out and creating awareness about existing stereotypes is one of the measures I have learned and currently using to create safer communities for present and future girls. Thanks to the GLOW club, I have had the opportunity to interact, learn and share experiences with other girls like me, improving on my abilities and developing better strategies to effectively reach my goal. These clubs have taught me the importance of learning through storytelling and that has greatly improved my vocabulary, positively distinguishing me from my peers


Maforlem Valentina (Club Member

Being introduced to the GLOW was an exciting moment though with no knowledge about its benefits. I was just happy to create new friends and study after staying home for quite some time as a result of the Anglophone crises. In the GLOW Club, I have learned to read, write, advocate and contribute towards making my community a better place. I am now able to face and successfully go through common challenges faced by girls and how best to overcome them. The GLOW Club is guiding me to overcome peer pressure and negative social influences that can easily derail me from achieving my dream. I learned to create a road map for my future and that am using to ensure that I achieve my dream of becoming a paediatrician. My sincere gratitude goes to my mentors, WESAD and Global GLOW for their relentless efforts to see that girls around the world can ignite positive change. 


Blessing Ndfutu (Young Entrepreneur)

My experience in the Girl Boss Program was a great one filled with many lessons and exciting activities. Before getting into this program, I was never sure of what I wanted for myself. Thanks to the program, I have developed a big dream for my future. I am also able to outline the steps and stages I will pass through to have such a bright future. I am glad I learnt to create networks, identify my skills, and passion and effectively communicate them. The Girl Boss program guided me in making my business unique and outstanding. That alone has greatly improved my sales as I can now make my customers understand the need and importance of my products over that of my competitors. I am a confident girl now who believes so much in all that I dream about as well as how I can go about it. 

Lum Nebah Piety

I want to thank Chrissy and the entire My Body id My Body program for the opportunity that was given to me. I took part in the drawing competition and emerged second winning a cash prize of 150 dollars. Thank you so much. 

Talla Mirabel

My Name is Talla Mirabel. My business name is “Mami Delicious Corn and Groundnut”. I want to express heartfelt gratitude to A2Empowerment, WESAD and Launch Girls for Bringing the PRES Project to the women of Santa. Before starting this training, I was already engaged in the business of selling corn and groundnut but I was experiencing huge failure. I stopped school in 2004, making it 20 years today since I dropped out of school. I was not able to write my name or read anything. But I can boast now of being able to read and write. In the course of this training, I was able to read and respond to some questions from my planner without the help of my GBA. I have learnt about accountability and record-keeping in business. I didn’t know that I needed to calculate the cost of corn, groundnut and other materials used so I could get my actual profit. Some days when I sell 12000frs CFA without calculating all my material costs, I will gladly think have made a profit of 4000frs CFA from which I will get a bottle of drink and food for myself at a cost of 1200frs CFA. Sometimes, when I got home, I would still provide food for the house from this presumed profit. During this training, I developed a special interest in level 11: “Discovering the path to profitability”. I was very happy because it made me understand how to effectively calculate my profit. Being a school dropout, I was very happy to receive my first certificate from the training. I will jealously keep this certificate because it will keep reminding me and my children that I have been educated

Mbu Faithfulness

My name is Mbu Faithfulness. This training has helped me a lot. I dropped out of primary school so many years back. But through this training, have learnt how to read and write. In the aspect of building my entrepreneurial mindset skills and developing my business, I can boastfully pick up my pen calculate my profit and I can keep my sales record. 

Achiri Corantine

Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Achiri Corantine. This training was amazing. I am very grateful to have been part of this training. I didn’t know that I could develop a business name for this small business. This training will go a long way to help me sustain my business and be able to take care of my family. I now have something to do that will help me sustain my family. I am very grateful to the initiators of this training program. May God Bless you all and give you a long life. 

Mengwi Constance

My Name is Mengwi Constance. Am into Restaurant Business. My business name is Consty Unique Restaurant. This program has greatly helped a lot because I am now able to identify why my business was failing. After this training, I learnt how to manage my capital, how to calculate my profit and also how to calculate my unit selling cost. Am very grateful to the organizers of this training program. 

Aissatou Ali.

My Name is Aissatou Ali. My business name is Aissa’s Raw Food. This training has been of great help to me. It has helped me improve on business management skills. I have never been to school. Through this training, I have learnt how to write my name, how to write numbers and how to read. 

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