Non-profit Organization

Who We Are

We are a people centered organization with integrity and results oriented


We envisage sustainable and peaceful communities where human rights and dignities are respected, providing equal opportunities for all through community participation to improve well-being and economic development.


To improve on the livelihood and protection of less privileged people (girls, Women, Youths, children and people living with disability) in rural communities through capacity building in economic, leadership and digital skills while ensuring environmental sustainability and self-reliance.


People Centered
Giving back
Accountability and Transparency

Our Focus Areas

We empower small holder farmers in climate - smart agriculture, reducing post-harvest loss, processing techniques and value chain addition including trainings on livelihood programs.

We reduce pollution and the feeling down of trees through paper, saw dust and clay waste recycling for the production of briquettes for cooking in place of firewood or charcoal using the “circular economy model”. We also strengthen dialogue on environment protection and biodiversity conservation.

We promote GBV Prevention, Response and Mitigation by providing psychosocial support, case management, economic empowerment of women (Training on entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and start up material support), increase literacy rates and educational attainment for the girl child. We promote vocational education and life skills for women and girls.

History of WESAD

World Economy Skills and Agro Development (WESAD) is a non-profit organization founded in 2012 by a group of individuals who were passionate about addressing global issues related to social and economic development. WESAD is dedicated to promoting food security, environmental protection, and women and girls empowerment. The founders believed that by providing training and resources to individuals in rural communities in developing countries, they could help improve their livelihoods to become self-sufficient and economically independent thereby contributing to sustainable economic growth. WESAD believes in the power of the circular economy to create sustainable solutions for the world's most pressing challenges. By advocating for the rights of women and girls, promoting the efficient use of resources, reducing waste, and fostering innovation, we aim to create a more resilient and equitable global economy.

The founders recognized the importance of equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the modern economy, and saw agriculture, environmental protection, GBV prevention, response and mitigation as key sectors that could drive social and economic development in many countries.

Since its inception, WESAD has worked with international and local partners organizations to provide training programs, workshops, and resources to individuals in rural communities. The organization focuses on a range of topics, including agricultural techniques, business skills, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, waste recycling, conservation, gender based violence (prevention, response and mitigation) and Education of the Girl Child.

Over the years, WESAD has expanded its reach and impact, reaching thousands of individuals in countries across Africa (Cameroon, Central Africa and Djibouti). The organization has received support from donors and other organizations like WFP, The World Bank, IFAD, GYIN, CEED Canada, Venture for ALL USA, Global GLOW, A2Empowerment, Launch Girls, CIVICUS, CID, Critical Ecosystem Fund Partnership Fund, Tropical Biology Association, Helvy Farms, MINADER, MINPROFF, MINEFOP, MINESEC and MINEPPED, Reach out Cameroon and LUKMEF Cameroon who share its vision of promoting social and economic development including agricultural sustainability.

Through partnerships with local communities, governments, and other organizations, WESAD implements programs and projects that address these key focus areas and contribute to the overall goal of sustainable development. With a dedicated team of experts and volunteers, WESAD is making a positive impact on the lives of individuals and communities in Cameroon, The Central Africa Republic and Djibouti.

We are dedicated to creating a more just, sustainable, and inclusive World for all.

Join us in our mission of improving the livelihood of vulnerable people through the promotion of food security, environmental protection and women empowerment. 

We cannot do it all on our own.
Together We Can Intensify Change


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We envisage sustainable and peaceful communities where human rights and dignities are respected, providing equal opportunities for all through community participation to improve well-being and economic development.